It’s time for this blog’s very first State of the Things, which is fitting for a new year. I didn’t write this up on January 1st, as resolutions and I don’t go the distance. For reference (and to refresh my own memory) here’s what I was hoping to accomplish in 2014.
Brief recap, GO.
- My first professional short story sale, “Ex Astris,” appeared in Fireside.
- Night Owls was published. A thing I wrote! Out there in meatspace!
- On the RPG side, Green Ronin released Dragon Age Roleplaying: Set 3. I am now playing through Dragn Age: Inquisition and goggling at Orlais, because reasons. Do we get to see Tevinter, too? NO WAIT, DON’T ANSWER THAT. SPOILERS.
- Pelgrane Press’ Mythos Expeditions contains an adventure I wrote, “A Load of Blarney.”
- I was a Kickstarter stretch goal! Or, rather, a world I created for Storium was. So excited for people to play in Camden’s Hollow.
- The Fire Children sold to Ravenstone Press. /gleeeee
- So much travelling. All the travelling. Forever. Including WorldCon in London, which was amazing.
- I was on staff at Viable Paradise XVIII*. Which, by the way, applications for VPXIX are open… now!
And now, onward to 2015.
Books and Writing
Grave Matters, the sequel to Night Owls, hits shelves on February 24th. Preorder links, if you’re so inclined: Indiebound | Barnes & Noble | Amazon
The Fire Children, my first YA fantasy, comes out this summer, on June 30th. More preorder links: Indiebound | Barnes & Noble | Amazon
I have several irons in several fires. Currently poking at:
- Adrift – swashbuckling fantasy aboard the Creeping Jenny (aka the Please Don’t Sink)
- Dead Letters – the third book in the Night Owls series. I’d tell you what it’s about but SPOILERS
- “Dominion” – a story about Lilith
- “Blood in the Thread” – I have this thing for birds and wings and stories about them.
- RPG freelancing. More when I’m allowed to say.
Travel and Appearances
I’m attending both Arisia and Boskone, and will be doing readings at both. The schedules are being finalized, so I’ll post ’em when I’ve got ’em.
Deeper into the year, I’ll be at WorldCon in August. I’m still eyeing GenCon, but there’s stuff (good stuff!) happening at the day job I’ll have to consider when planning out more travel.
Looking back at last year’s post, I accomplished a hell of a lot. I still need to be better about the things that get pushed aside for writing: the garden didn’t happen. I was terrible about practicing my guitar. Greg probably cooked more of our meals than I did (he doesn’t mind. He likes to cook. But damn it.) I didn’t get back into running. But, with all those things, like I said in my post-NaNo, uh, post, failing to hit those goals doesn’t mean I have to put them aside and never try again.
*This is where my greatest lament that I fell apart on the “practice my guitar” front kicks in, but my pretty little not-a-Martin was in good hands during the week. This fall I will play something and accompany myself, damn it.
So, that’s the shape of the year. How’s yours looking?