Sasquan Schedule

I thought last year was a big travellin’ year for me, but it turns out this year’s got it beat. The rest of the year is work travel and writing things, so this is my last con until Arisia 2016. If you’re going to be at WorldCon, come say hello!

Thursday, August 20th

Worldbuilding and Sandbox Games
3:00pm, Room 303A (CC)
Panelists: Brooks Peck, Esther Jones, Andrea G. Stewart, Lauren M. Roy

Fantasy games such as Skyrim and Dragon Age: Inquisition, along with science fiction games such as Elite: Dangerous and Great Big Sky, provide an enormous open-world sandbox for players to explore.  What is the draw of these games, and the challenge of designing them?  What lessons can authors learn from games like these?

Friday, August 21st

10:00am, Hall B (CC)

11:30am, Spokane Falls Suite A/B (Doubletree)
Storytime! Not sure what I’ll be reading just yet, whether an excerpt from something that’s already out, or a sneaky-peek at new material. I might leave it up to the room to decide! (And I am currently flying solo here – if you’re at Sasquan and didn’t get a reading slot, let me know. I am happy to share.)

Sunday, August 23rd

Game of Thrones: Expectations of Gender and Sexuality
12:00pm, Bays 111A (CC)
Panelists: Perianne Lurie, David D. Levine, Valerie Estelle Frankel, Lauren M. Roy

After five seasons, we have expectatons of Game of Thrones as having a lot of female nudity and graphic violence.  But, at the same time, it has some very strong female characters, and, among some of the characters, a more modern view of sexuality.  Do these contrasting views work against the show or enhance it?  What are some of the bigger surprises?

Worlds We Believe: YA Worldbuilding
1:00pm, 300D (CC)
Panelists: Jenifer Brozek, Kate Elliott, Jessica Rising, Lauren M. Roy

Have you ever sympathized with trudging through Professor Trelawney’s divination classroom? Does living in a Hobbit hole, spaciously provisioned seem not so far-fetched? Which district do you live in?  What about traveling through a worm hole at warp speed? Worlds that are easy to picture become a part of invested creators. What makes a believable world? What have past and present authors done right? Come visit other worlds with us.

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